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Work, 2017: Image


47 metal frames

"Work" was produced during summer residency of sculpture and installations students of Estonian Art Academy in the abandoned building of Kreenholm Manifacturing Company, Narva. Kreenholm used to be a large-scale textile manufacturing industry, providing work for 12 000 people, but it went bankrupt in 2010 and most people lost their work. 

I found these 47 metal frames on the location and I set them standing on their side in a long straight row, marking the line where once were located the workbenches and machines. I calculated the distance so, that if one of the frames would fall, it would tear down the whole row. While I was setting up the frames, I recorded the sounds of my work. When the installation was ready, I played back the recordings as a soundtrack for the installation. The performative part of the installation was pushing the first frame over, causing the collapse of the installation in a domino effect. After the collapse the frames formed a new pattern on the floor.

Work, 2017: Text
Work, 2017: Video
Work, 2017: Video
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©2019 by Katrin Enni.

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